Sunday, December 27, 2009


Welcome to our adventure.

Me and my son share one shadow. We are inseparable. Why?
My son is soon 10 years old autistic and hyperactive child that needs me to provide new content in his life and I need him to provide new content into my life.

This will be a log over how we try to push the borders between what we can and can't do further away and geocaching has been the way for us to do that over the last 2 years so that will be a natural part of this web log.

I hope to somehow inspire other parents of autistic children to find the possibilities within their children instead of being locked down by their limitations. My son loves going for a car ride, sometimes to the extent that we have had to take him for a ride just to calm him down when he is a bit anxious and he also has a big need of being outdoors, no matter what the weather is. This boiled down to geocaching for us ....