Friday, January 1, 2010


Today we left the warmth inside to finnish of a geocache consisting of multiple steps that we started yesterday evening but had to abandon the hunt when it got to dark to see without flashlights. Normally I could have continued with flashlights but not here as many steps involved collecting clues to the final location from tombstones on a large graveyard and new years eve is a time when a lot of people visits graves of relatives and friends.

The graveyard was a really tranquil place at dusk with a light snowfall, many hundreds candles lighting up the graves and people walking silently to and from the graves ... and then there was us. My son loved walking around on the ploughed paths between the tombstones and looking the candles and showed it by keeping laughing out loud where ever we walked :)

But that cache is now history.

After finnishing of the one at the graveyard I thought we should give a forrest cahe a go before we turned home. I know there is snow out and that I would need to look under a stone at the end but I thought it wouldn't be worse than I could push away the snow with my hands. It turned out to be a little more snow than I thought. I should have turned around when I saw that the last 1 km of the road wasn't ploughed. But I didn't. By maintining good speed I made it all the way to the end of the road which was the only place to turn around aswell as teh location of the cache. After turning car around and aligning it to my wheeltracks from the drive in I jumped out of the car and started walking the last 15 meters in ankle deeps snow, that will say ankle deep untill I stepped of the road. Of the road the snow was more than waist deep, thats when I decided to wait untill spring with that cache and went back to the car and drove back to the main road, still keeping good speed so I wouldn't get stuck in the snow on the road.

Only thing missing from that trip was that the military police should come and ask what I was doing between those two radar towers in the middle of nowhere.

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